• Gossen Metrawatt

Characteristic Values

Item number M555A
Product details page Details
Indication Digital
Analogue bar graph display x
Current supply Battery
Background lighting LC-indication x
External voltage detection at OFF-state
Suppression of electric field influences x
Nominal test voltage 100 V x
Nominal test voltage 250 V x
Nominal test voltage 500 V x
Nominal test voltage 1000 V x
Nominal test voltage 2500 V x
Nominal test voltage 5000 V x
Rated test voltage 10000V x
Nominal test voltage adjustable x
Insulation resistance measuring range up to 40 TOhm according to IEC 61557-2 x
Low resistance measurement x
Voltage measurement x
Over voltage protector testing
Measured value memory x
Data hold
Interface x
Nominal test voltage adjustable with ramp function x
Automatic discharge of DUT at the end of insulation test x
Automatic measurement of multi-wire cables with optional test adapter x
Dielectric discharge (DD) x
Digital filter for the stabilization of limit values x
Adjustable measuring and test times x
Adjustable test currents x
Preparation of R/I or R/U diagrams x
Fault location by means of pulse control mode x
Graphic representation of insulation resistance during measurement x
Measurement of capacitance during insulation test x
Measurement of temperature with optional probe x
Measurement with incrementally increasing voltage x
Measurement of leakage current during insulation test x
Measurement of polarization index PI and absorption ratio DAR x
Measurements can be carried out with test leads up to 55 m x
Low resistance measurement according to EN61557-4 / VDE 0413-4 x
Voltage measurement AC and DC up to 750 V x
Storage of test results - internal memory x
Keyboard illumination x
Variable setting of limit values x

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